It has been a busy week here at the Bucks Freedom Press.
We have our first Landmark Victory!
or find out more at Ivor's thrilling blog on the subject over at the Bucks Free Press.
This Sunday we will also be publishing our much anticipated follow up article to
My Fling With a Bigun!
“Ivor seduced me with a romantic break for two…only for it to become a 48-hour romp-fest in a Bourne End B&B”
A forthcoming exclusive written by Edna Welthorpe herself.
COMING SOON ........
We are also delighted to welcome a new writer to the Bucks Freedom Press. William Geldart has written our first News article this week, and we look forward to him contributing more in future editions.
NEWS + Send us your news, pictures and videos so we don't have to bother to leave the office
identity fraud report, loses out to
Wycombe District Council has brushed off the results of the recent Experian Fraud Report that only ranks the town eighth in a top 10 list of major identity theft hot-spots.
Rival fleapit Slough topped the bill with twenty-five cases of identity fraud per 10,000 households. In comparison, Wycombe only delivered thirteen instances within the same parameters.
A spokesperson from WDC , Providence Magee, formerly known as John S. Tape, criticised the findings and their lack of scope.
He said: “To suggest that Wycombe is a hot-bed of bin-fiddling larceny is grossly unfair. The town offers far more than that. For instance, what about the drugs, animal porn-loving councillors and bus station assaults that we’re renowned for? We can’t allow this town to be shown up by places like Slough . ”
Meanwhile, local residents have been reacting to the news that suggests their privacy and security could be under threat.
Mr. G. Smith, who lives in Booker, told the Bucks Freedom Press: “I know of at least six Smiths on this road alone. I don’t think that’s a coincidence, do you?”
Government proposes the impossible:
dig up Ancient Woodland and move it to make way for HS2
dig up Ancient Woodland and move it to make way for HS2
In a letter to Cheryl Gillan MP, Transport Secretary Justine Greening has set out her intentions
to preserve ancient woodlands, which includes the idea of ‘transplanting woodland to an adjacent site.’
Steve Rodrick, Chief Officer of the Chilterns Conservation Board said;
to preserve ancient woodlands, which includes the idea of ‘transplanting woodland to an adjacent site.’
Steve Rodrick, Chief Officer of the Chilterns Conservation Board said;
“It is not possible to transplant ancient woodland successfully. You can transplant some of it but what you end up with won’t be ancient woodland. Ancient woodland is special because over millennia it has evolved its own ecosystem including soils, root fungi, etc, etc which are lost when disturbed. It is absolute nonsense to suggest that any valuable habitat can simply be trans-located by scooping it up and replanting it. I am not are of any successful example. The idea of trans-locating large trees from an ancient woodland with roots, soil, etc intact isn’t credible, and frankly not even worth debating.”
Think this item is a spoof? Think again! The above article was widely reported in the local press. Yes, Justine Greening really has considered just digging up ancient woodland and moving it out of the way of her High Speed White Elephant.
To quote Stop HS2 campaign coordinator Joe Rukin: “When the government start talking in all seriousness about transplanting ancient woodland, you begin to realise what really needs transplanting are some brains.”
Quote of the week
The High Wycombe annual Mayor Making ceremony took place last weekend in Frogmoor. Traditionally, councillors and public officials are publicly weighed to make sure they have have put on "no more" weight "dining at taxpayers’ expense".
It was reported that Cllr Graham said he was pleased he had put on no more as he had not been following any special exercises. He said: “I think today has been the best day. The weather has been kind to us. The crowd is getting bigger and bigger each year."
The Bucks Freedom Press thought this was a rather tactless statement. If there weren't so many takeaway establishments in Frogmoor maybe this would go some way to tackling the problem.
Hands up who can identify with this one?!
Hands up who can identify with this one?!